( Iconian Fonts - Daniel Zadorozny - www.iconian.com )
A bold, geometric font with a futuristic and industrial style.
下载 70 下载@WebFont -
( Jorrit van Rijt - Behance.net/jorritvanrijt )
A bold, geometric typeface with a modern, industrial style.
下载 45 下载@WebFont -
( Jérôme Delage )
A bold, distressed font with a grunge-inspired, textured style.
下载 336 下载@WebFont -
( Parker Creative - Alan Parker - fontbundles.net/parker-creative )
A bold, geometric font with strong, uniform strokes and a modern aesthetic.
下载 198 下载@WebFont -
( Pedro Baños - www.behance.net/pedrobcancer )
A bold, geometric font with a modular, futuristic design.
下载 56 下载@WebFont -
( PlumbobsandHolosprites - Flore Creations - plumbobsandholosprites.tumblr.com )
A bold, hand-drawn font with a playful, informal style.
下载 26 下载@WebFont -
( Simon Murdoch )
A bold, geometric font with a unique cut-out style and high contrast.
下载 52 下载@WebFont -
( Vladimir Nikolic - www.coroflot.com/vladimirnikolic )
A bold, geometric font with hexagonal borders and a monogram style.
下载 68 下载@WebFont -
( Woodcutter - woodcutter Manero - www.woodcutter.es )
A rugged, stone-like font with a textured, bold appearance.
下载 294 下载@WebFont -
( Xerographer Fonts - Max Infeld - xerographer.blogspot.com )
A bold, three-dimensional geometric font with a modern and dynamic style.
下载 335 下载@WebFont
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